Hundreds of companies have made promises to shareholders and investors on sustainability that they are in no position to keep.

We are here to help them meet those promises,” says Peter Schmidt CEO of iPoint, a GRO portfolio company.

Peter is referring to scope 3 carbon emissions. Due to a push from regulators and pull from investors and consumers, many companies have set scope 3 carbon reduction targets. But few companies know how to calculate their scope 3 emissions effectively, let alone reduce them.

Imagine if you could use software to quickly work out the lifecycle carbon footprint of any product you make. You could share this information with your consumers – like calorie count on food – and use it to reduce carbon emissions across your supply chain. This software is already available through iPoint.

“A few years ago, the food industry underwent huge change when it introduced calorie counts on food. Carbon counts are beginning to cause the same sort of shift. Soon, all companies will be able to show the exact carbon footprint of every product, so their customers know the environmental impact of what they are buying,” he says.

Peter Schmidt CEO of iPoint,

Unlike scope 1 & 2 emissions, which are controlled by the company, scope 3 covers emissions that the company is responsible for but doesn’t have direct control of. They can occur anywhere in the value chain, from raw material production and shipping to product use and disposal. This makes them extremely hard to measure – which is where iPoint comes in.

“iPoint software uses AI learning to digitalize and automate Life Cycle Assessments (LCAs) for product carbon footprint (PCF) calculations – and it can do it up to 10 times faster than traditional methods. The data enables companies to adjust their processes to reduce emissions in both current and future products. Scope 3 covers 70-80% of a company’s carbon footprint, so it’s an extremely important metric in the world’s sustainability journey,” Peter explains.

iPoint is already being used by a wide range of companies, from car makers and electronics manufacturers to chemical producers.


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